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  • Sarah Romero

7 Reasons I Became a Life Coach

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

I get these questions a lot: “Why did you become a Life Coach?” or “How did you get into Life Coaching?”

There’s a handful of reasons I decided to take this path in becoming a life coach. When I think back on my life coach journey, it started many years ago when I hired my own coach.

I had thought about hiring a life coach for a long time (like, for a few years, it had crept up in my mind on and off) but never pulled the trigger. Once I did, I knew it was the best decision I made. The truth is, I was feeling stuck. And as someone who was very independent of a very young age, thrown into just “figuring things out” with pretty much everything in my life, it was the first time in my life I couldn’t just figure it out. I needed a partner, someone who wouldn’t judge me, had an unbiased point of view and could help me untangle what was going on in my mind so that I could take the next steps in my life that felt good to me. A small part of me felt weak for hiring a coach - like what was wrong with me that I couldn’t figure it out on my own? I always had all these years!

Once I hired my life coach, I recall cringing when I charged the payment to my credit card, it felt like such a significant investment at the time. It seemed like yet another bill I had to pay off between expensive NYC rent, student loans I was STILL paying off, and just the life that is living in New York City (hint - super-duper expensive!) But I saw the investment as one I was making in myself - in my own growth.

Within just 3 months of having my own life coach, my life changed drastically. I got clear on what I wanted out of my career and made some bold moves. I also came to many realizations about what I wanted in a romantic relationship (which I had failed at time and time again my entire adult life). During this time, I entered into a romantic relationship with someone very, very special - who is now my husband!

After never really focusing on what I valued and wanted in life, I launched into a new path of personal development and healing. I started to truly take care of myself in mind, body, and spirit. It was life-changing. Oh, and that money I spent to hire my own life coach? It was beyond worth the investment. Best money I ever spent, because I reap the benefits every single day and will for the rest of my life.

After these breakthroughs took place with my life coach, I was on a new path. About a year or so later, I made the decision to get my life coaching certification at NYU.

I wasn’t sure exactly how it would all shake out in terms of getting this new skill set under my belt. I just knew I had to do it, and I wanted to learn how to coach so that I too, could coach others who were feeling stuck like I was, who needed some expert guidance in their life and career, and who needed the support of someone who would be open and accepting to the life they dreamt of. I was also a new leader in my job, and I knew having a coaching background would make me an even better, stronger leader.

And it did. And while I launched my NYC life coaching practice as a side hustle, I definitely owe my coaching background to the next line of jobs I got. The hiring managers would tell me how my coaching background helped me stand out from other candidates!

Now that I am an NYC life coach full time, I look back at my journey, and I’m super grateful for the ride it’s been so far. Here are some other reasons (besides supporting others to live their best lives) that I decided to become a life coach:

1. A profession that fed my soul. In my corporate career, I was in roles within revenue organizations - hence, helping the company make lots and lots of money. While I knew my job was important, and I enjoyed many aspects of it, I was ultimately working in advertising sales, which didn’t really feed my soul. I wanted to do something that I knew impacted people directly in a positive way. I wanted to make a difference beyond selling advertising. I’m not knocking anyone who does it btw, it’s a challenging and rewarding career in many ways, and I do love many aspects of it! But for how I am built, I needed something a bit different in the mix. This is how life coaching came into play.

2. Earning more money. Once I started my NYC life coaching practice, I began to make money on the side of my full-time job. For 5 years, until I went full time as a life coach, this was an additional income I earned that helped me achieve lots of other financial goals I had. And now that I do it full time, I continue to build my business, and I know the sky is the limit! There is no one else deciding what my salary is - for better or worse - it’s all on me.

3. Working for myself and more independently. As much as I am a people person, and I’ve had some fantastic bosses throughout my corporate career, I’ve always liked the idea of working independently and being my own boss. Running my private life coaching practice in NYC allows me to do that. I decide how, when, where, and who I work with. I still get to work with lots of different types of people! And, most days I get to wear cozy sweatpants :)

4. Continuing my own personal development through my work. Even though I have my NYU Life Coach Certification, I actually continue to work through my own personal growth as I coach others. Every client of mine is unique, and in every single situation I am in, I find myself learning and discovering more as a professional and as a person. As much as the client is gaining from the relationship, I, too, continue to learn, hone my craft, and discover new ideas and concepts all the time that help me grow.

5. No two days would be the same. Ain’t that the truth! Some days I’m hustling from early morning through evening, and other days I work a few hours and have the rest of the afternoon to do other things. I mainly coach from home (via phone or video); however, I also meet some of my NYC clients out at cool coffee shops, the library, and even outside at the park. As I write this blog post, I’m sitting at one of my favorite new cafes in Union Square in New York on a Saturday morning, waiting for a client to arrive. I love the variance of my days and how literally no two days are the same. I also really value the flexibility of making my own schedule!

6. I love being a “personal trainer” for the heart and mind. Remember how I said I felt weak hiring a life coach? Well, I got it all wrong back then, and I quickly realized that once I started to work with my life coach. You see, a life coach doesn’t fix someone or tell them what to do. A life coach partners with you to help you uncover what’s true for you in your mind and in your heart. Think about hiring a personal trainer for the gym - they don’t actually change your body. You do it - but with their expert guidance, support, and tools to help you achieve your goals. That’s what a life coach does - except for your inner being.

7. I meet all kinds of interesting people. A social scientist at heart, I am genuinely interested in humans and what makes us tick. So much so, my entire college degree was studying the theories behind interpersonal communication and behavior. People closest to me know that I am a super-connector - I love forging new relationships with all kinds of people, and I have friends all over the world. Now, as an NYC life coach, I get to meet and work with all sorts of people! I think about this past month, for example - I coached a nurse, an entrepreneur, an IVY league student, a fashion designer, a yoga instructor, a social media marketer, and a financial analyst. How cool is that??!!

So, why did I become a life coach? Because of all the richness it has added to my life and my work.

Are you considering a career in life coaching? I am always happy to connect and share more about my experience - just holler!

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